🛠️ Discord Rework

🛠️ Discord Rework

Maybe one or the other has already noticed. But here again for everyone: There is a remake of the Discord Server! We are very happy that the Discord server is constantly growing with adventurers. To ensure that you have a good time with us in the future, we have decided to rework the structure. This means not only a simpler overview for you, but also a lot of new features. In the following we shortly explain everything about the changes and the new functions. Many thanks to our friend and moderator JadeScout | Janis, who made these great changes possible.

If you haven’t done it yet: Join our Discord Server now! Now to the facts: Our Discord server now consists of the following 5 main sections:

Server Info

Here you can find out everything about our Discord server. The Rulebook contains our server rules and a short summary with an overview of all channels. Within the Roles you get the possibility to decide interactively which role(s) you would like to be assigned. For example, simply click on the crown and you will automatically be assigned the role of a gamemaster. You’re welcome to check out for yourself what your options are. In the Useful Links section we provide you with a lot of useful links, such as our socialmedia profiles and links to the app stores.

Notice Board

The Notice Board with its channels will be our voice to you in the future. Here you can find out everything that is new and what has changed. We will try to update this channel as frequently as possible.


The Tavern is from now on your new place to go for everything around the game itself. In the General channel you can talk about all possible topics of Yora. The channel Questions doesn’t just contain a link to the FAQ, it also answers all your questions about Yora.

If you want to network with each other or are looking for a group, you can do so in the Looking-For-Group Channel. If you notice any bugs in the game, please let us know in the Bug Reports section.

If you have any suggestions or ideas to improve Yora Adventures, please let us know and report them to the channel Suggestions. If we make progress and have new features in the pipeline, we’ll let you know as well. You can get those informations from us in the Next-Features section.


Since Yora Adventures is not only available in English, but also in German, we offer you additional channels. Via the role distribution in the channel Roles you get access to it. After you click on the German flag (🇩🇪), you automatically join the german versions of the General, Questions and Looking-For-Group sections. If Yora will be available in other languages in the future, we will of course also add separate sections on the discord for these languages.


In the Taproom you will have the opportunity to chat with other adventurers without having to write. You can use the individual channels to make arrangements for your next adventure, or simply to talk about Yora.

These are all the changes and updates that we will offer you on our Discord server. Should there be any further changes, we will of course contact you. We hope that you will continue to gather in such large numbers and leave one or the other message for us. See you in the tavern!